
Test Results

I was in a panic! The OB/GYN's nurse called saying that he would be out all of this week. I was supposed to have my nuchal translucency test results on Monday, so naturally, I freaked out and begged them to have a nurse, or anyone that was capable of reading my chart, call me with the results. Luckily, they called back within an hour, saying that the neck was normal. I'm still not sure how they could even see the neck, but I am happy to go with the results. I am supposed to hear about the blood test when the results come back. I guess they go to KC, to some lab.

On another note, I swear that I have inherited sandbags for boobs. They are rock hard and still hurt. I mean, they hurt before, but this is ridiculous! The other night, I woke up, kind of sweaty and my nipple was literally attached to my arm! It hurt! Of course, it doesn't help that when Sofie is trying to get comfortable, she thinks that squashing them helps her settle in. I am thinking of giving her a real treat, by using her in the wraps I have. Maybe she will find somewhere else to sleep.